Buch - Du Levan au pain / Sourdough to bread (frz.+eng.)

Hardcover ISBN 978-2-491101-07-7
Buch - Du Levan au pain / Sourdough to bread (frz.+eng.)
49,50 € *

* inkl. 7% MwSt. - Achtung: Die MwSt. richtet sich nach dem landesüblichen Satz. zzgl. Versandkosten

Versandfertig in 1-3 Werktage(n)

  • BU053
DU LEVAN AU PAIN / SOURDOUGH TO BREAD Since 2005, the association The Ambassadors of Bread... mehr


Since 2005, the association The Ambassadors of Bread gathers art of bakery enthusiasts and bread lovers throughout the world. The aim of the association is to defend and promote traditional bread and to promote its nutritional and gastronomic values in France and abroad. The association has many sponsorships in the baking industry which support the organization of annual conferences, book writing projects and the setting up of the Mondial du Pain competition. Through 33 recipes, discover how to create a natural sourdough and how to use in tiny amounts with the Respectus Panis® Bread Method Supplement.

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